Server busy. cant build projects or use companion

For the first time ever, kodular server is not working. cant use the companion either. Did they degrade their server plan?


I am having this too since 15 minutes ago.

Just managed to compile My project.

For me the Live Testing(Companion) is working fine.

Tried to build(Export) apk. It succeeded but took some more time than usual.This may be because the build system is experiencing some problem I guess :point_down:

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Yes i’ve been getting a lot of messages from kodular bot in discord saying that My service for building is down.

Maybe kodular Updating :slightly_smiling_face:

Same Error Since Friday 04 March 2019 GMT 10:00… Trying with App Inventor also have same situation… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: but no notification or Information from official Kodular about Maintenance

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