My SHA1 keystore isn’t working on firebase or google play games. On firebase, it says “string does not match a recognized certificate fingerprint format”. I checked the format and all seems good!
Have you OPT for Google signing
Yup, I opted in
And you are trying with SHA1 provided by kodular, that won’t work, you have to use SHA1 from google signing keystore
How do that find that one? I mean where can I get Google’s?
Check your console in google
Thanks for the info, problem half solved as still I am not able to sign use Google Play Games
Unfamiliar with both of them but I assume it has to do with SHA1
Facing the same problem
This error started to appear when I deleted my previous app from this same firebase project and changed that app’s name and package name for some reason when I again tried to add that app to firebase, this error shows. What should I do now?
My app is not yet published because I haven’t finished it yet.
Maybe there is a space in the key that you accidentally copied? It shows that you key is not the format required.
No it was correct because I copied it using KeyStore Explorer so it should be correct.
That same key worked the day after. I don’t know what was the problem.
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