Show the Floating Action Button on the left side

Hello Koders,

Today i would like to show my first tutorial :smile:
In this tutorial i am going to tell you how to show the Floating Action Button on the left side of the screen.

So lets start:
Firts we have to get the Width of the screen using this block.

To position the Floating Action Button on the left side of the screen, we will divide the width of the screen by 1

blocks (3)

The only problem is that this will hide the Floating Acttion Button
because it goes too far to the left side.

So we have to add - 70 the show it on the left side.

All Blocks put together :arrow_down:

blocks (2)
This will show the Floating Action Button on the left side of the screen.
Note: Keep in mind that it wont work verticaly when Title/Status Bar are set to true

I hope this helps alot and that i explained evrything right.
Hope you can have the same result as me. :slightly_smiling_face:

left_side_Floating_Action_Button.aia (1.8 KB)


It’s a nice and helpful guide!
Good Luck on making these guides!

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Thanks :grinning:

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Great guide :partying_face:… i have only one question: isn’t dividing by 1 result the same number or i’m wrong… :thinking:


We have this one…


May be you can tell what is the width returned if we didn’t divide by one?

I didn’t know there was another tutorial

Good guide

Btw, what does 70 stands for?

Fantastic guide!
But we also have this
It allows you to set gravity

Some new thing​:heart_eyes:

I just realized that dividing it by 1 is the same :sweat_smile:


Can You Please Tell That -70 Part.

So when I just use the width as the gravity the Floating Action Button isn’t visible(this happens on my phone) on the screen so i decreased it by 70 so it would be visible.

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