As I said
Can you link ? I have a problèm with the 4 layout ?
Can u show block for more layout
can we say it sort of paralax effect.
if not
can we also add paralax to it
u understood it way too wrrong i mean that a professional animation u can try
we can say Parallax Effect means to apply some behaviour on contents on scrolling
I’m just curious, why do we have to use ‘negation’ in this ? Won’t it work without negation block ?
Thanks man, i will use it, thanks for the nice guide
For left right sliding i think u dont need to use this neg but i have not tried it
Have you tried without using the neg blocks
not yet but u can try it
Good even better…
Excellent work
Thank you guys
Question… if I just want to slide a web viewer over a visible layout and then back when done, how is that accomplished? I tried this and unless I turn off the background layout nothing happens.
Here’s the blocks I’m using to try and open the web viewer
How are u sliding it
If I set the Vertical_Arrangement1 invisible, it slides in from the right. If I don’t nothing happens. I have one vertical arrangement that is full screen and then a horizontal arrangement that holds Vertical_Arrangement1 and the web viewer. That horizontal arrangement is set to 100% width and so is Vertical_Arrangement1. I appear to be missing a step. should I put the web viewer in an arrangement and then overshoot that?
Pm ur aia i will check it
I have checked ur aia and fixed them and pm u
There are 3 problems in it
You are not using neg blocks in screen back pressed
And you are using clock
and webview is invisible
your blocks
Thank you. I got it working on my main project. I guess the neg block was needed.