I need a function sometimes called “moving average” on time series data measurements to reduce noise. I’m still a beginner using Kodular, so I have not yet succeed in writing an own (working) function for it.
Has anyone done this or is there an extension that can be used? An extension would be super
I am a bit surprised that I have not been able to find anything on the forum about this kind of need as I think it should be a quite common need to reduce noise from various type of sensors.
It is not pretty (and sorry it is in App Inventor blocks) but this procedure will give a moving average set of values from a list of values. You can enter your chosen level of average e.g 1 will be the same as the data, 2 will half the values, 3 will 1/3 the values and so on. At some point a high enough number will give you a flat line!
Thanks! Really interesting. I will test this later today The first case i will test it for is RSSI measurements using BluetoothLE, HM-10 and Arduino (using the tiny but powerful XIAO from SEEED). The RSSI measurement works great but the signal strength value really need a moving average.