I have found another bug. When I chose in the properties of space component to fill parent, it does not fill nothing.
Steps to reproduce the issue
You need to add the space component into an arrangment (the arrangment with 100% height) between another arrangment and the bottom menu, and choose the property “fill parent” in space component. If you now Live Test the created app, Space will not fill full parent. (So I did.)
Even if your ais works in designer, it doesn’t work on real phone and you won’t make it work either
Multiple design flaws, you are using screen scrollable, in that screen you use multiple scrollable arrangements within each other and that kind of screws things up even more
No, there is no issue with space component if you use it in the right way
I have corrected it but in Live Test it does not change anything. Space is is not there.
Here the corrected version: Quiz_Screen1.ais (5.6 KB)
Here Screenshot of Live Testing: