Status bar not hiding in punch hole display phone

I want to hide the status bar in my app so I have unchecked the " show status bar " from the page properties and this happens.

I think this is happing because of the punch hole camera in my phone.any solution for this? :upside_down_face:

Share your apk let me also try I also have punch hole camera phone




give me some hope :laughing:

project_wg2.apk (7.0 MB)

ok I am sending but remember the page will appear after the authentication((sign up) process and the app is under development so it has some bugs.

Yes me too. Cause many new smartphone use punch hole camera in their display. If we make app with default landscape mode than this is very influential , cause the appearance of our application will not look good ( we get black line on the side). Same with video( we cant get full screnn video on our display). I have search at kodular forum and mitt app, nothing get solution for this .

@Arnab_Chatterjee this is solution

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Thats not solution :joy:. I hope that in the future someone can provide a solution for this, because this is quite important

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Do Match The Status Bar Color With The Background Of Your App.

This is the only tricky solution for notched Mobiles,

Or you can use DisplayHasCut feature from extension By @hammerhai to get is your user using notched mobile or not to more improvise your app.

Extension Link:-

This is another solution.


If you don’t wanted to help the user don’t make laugh on it, this is very wrong behavior.

You need to find the solution for the users if really wanted to help them.

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@Raja_HarshVardhanSolanki Thank You So Much Lots of Love :heart:


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I am really SAD to here that :sleepy:

i am exactly doing your first idea :- matching the status bar colour with the screen

I’m sorry there is a misunderstanding here, I don’t mean to laugh because I also have the same problem

Related documentation:

This looks like something that would have to be baked into Kodular. Hopefully this can be added to the project settings in the future, but for now you know the expected full screen behaviour and what to expect. :+1:


That’s right, I hope it’s like that too, because it’s really needed

but youtube full screen is working, video player stretch also using that area , so it can