Temporary solution for One signal and local notification for Android phones above SDK 29

NOTE: After compiling your app to SDK <31 you can’t publish your APP to Google Play Store, alternatively you can use the Amazon app store, or any store including your website.
For the last 2 months, I went crazy about push notifications but nothing worked out…(I didn’t use paid extensions)…
Then I found Kodular compiles apps in SDK 31 for which neither push nor local notifications work.
Then I changed the manifest file compile SDK to 29 and SDK code to 10 …and voila both notifications worked.
I tested it in Android 13…
Note: Add push notification component and any notification extension…make sure you have requested for post notification permission…after that, it work…

Pls, let me know if it worked for you…

Which means, you can’t publish your app in Google Play


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Also ask yourself: will they really fix the bugs before closing the system?

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How do I change the manifest file that compiles the SDK to 29

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note: you will not be able to publish yoour app in Google Play then

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hi good morning, but what type of push notification did you use?
by any chance onesignal ?

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Hi, @Gian_Luca I used an inbuilt push notification(onesignal) component and also i used inbuilt notification component for permission(just drag&drop in the screen and don’t use it will give a runtime error in sdk >31, it is only for getting the permission ), also you can use instead of inbuilt notification component NOTIFICATION STYLE
Remember the note before proceding

Thank you very much for your interest in helping me