The blocks area did not load properly

This problem happens with me now and the topic when importing any screen to my app

Any solution in the community didn’t word with me .

Your project sems to be corrupted
Import your latest backup and restart from there


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Try this
import your .ais screen then there is a button copy screeen then copy that screen then delete your imported screen then save your project…

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I did that but to no avail

Ok i will try it now

The same problem appears on the second page
It is very tiring after working so much :disappointed_relieved:

this also happen

In the upper screen this message also appears

It seems that you are maybe using the aia from another builder, maybe which is having components other than in Kodular (maybe possible)

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Go back in your backups until you find a working version and restart from there

Why are your screen names so complicated?


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No, I made it on kodular on my account

after importing screen ais , any default name done .
but my screen were called project_screen

Did you delete any extension from your project?

No , i didn’t delete any extantion

I did that but to no avail

No , i didn’t delete any extantion

Unfortunately I can’t speculate what could be wrong as everything could be wrong…

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Share your project and I might be able to fix it for you.

Unfortunately i deleted the project and started from zero