I just replied
I didn’t realize if I have changed something. I changed it from Designer’s properties
Can you try changing this block to any math number block
I don’t understand. Can you show it to me? Sorry I’m a newbie
still same
Or temporarily when click set total_formula test to berat_pcm_formula2.text to see the result and check if it empty
it shows like this, so what should I do?
How do you calculate berat_pcm_formula2 ?
berat_pcm_formula2 is no.8 (duplicate from no.7) *see app screenshot above
So actually the problem is caused by berat_badan.text
So how to fix it?
@dora_paz Here is the aia file. Could u explore it and tell me the correction?
pcm dose.aia (10.0 KB)
Mee too done that same thing in the aia
The procedure when you add first it is performed first before the next blocks