Too many crashes (Report)

Hi every one…
Why my app getting too many crashes like this …

And what does this mean?

My app is installed by 35000 active users now …

And how to solve this?

Did you search the community?

I think you have to be more specified and also remember what changed in the last time according to your app.

I didn’t make any changes


What I am asking for … is that … what this means? … as I don’t get the point …

What tou actually need just to provide me with a solution? As through all the community I found that no one provided a solution for that error and the apps still crashing …

I don’t have a solution too… an I think that this is a question for the Kodular Staff.


Like Mika said and that goes for you to.

The app of 2 simple screens an online radio

Push notifications
Admob banner
Activity starter

Taifun player
Custom listview deephost
Whatsapp messages

I am also facing crash problems in my app from last update.

One thing i have observed that when the app contains two components that is push notification and ad component, the app will crashes.

Specially due to push notification component.
Something is wrong with push notification component.

@KodularCreator have to look this issue.

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Should this crash be in the screen that contains the two components or in the app in general even the main and other screens don’t contain both components together

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During testing in my own device the app will runs smoothly and no crash is reported.

Actually I dont know where is the problem.
But it is definitely due to these two components.

But crashes are in specific devices.

We cant remove these two components, they are very essential components.

See here and post this:

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See here:
and check the Manifest. Decompile the APK, go to the Manifest, copy and post it.
What is the minSdkVersion (min API)?

Android 5.0 API 21

Why do you set the minSdkVersion = 21?

“If your minSdkVersion is set to 21 or higher, multidex is enabled by default and you do not need the multidex support library.”

Are you using a listview extension in 2 screens?

No just one … in screen2

Yes, i am using list view in 3 screens, but using inbuilt kodular list view component not extension.