Too much crashing why?

I started building my apps from makeroid then i switched to thunkable and once again come back to makeroid for new makeroid butterfly i was thinking that the problem nay be solved with the new makeroid butterfly but not that still facing the crushing problem. here is some of my crush reports

First, find the source of this problem.
Makeroid or you (your blocks, your app)?

I don’t think that the problem is on my block because if it blocks problem then i t should happen with everyone but not that it is only happening with 20-30% of my users and it is mostly happening with android version 8.0 or more here is the aia Aia Google Drive Link

  1. It’s called a crash. You’re welcome.
  2. It isn’t Makeroid’s inherent problem (I’m on Android Oreo right now, and my made-with-Makeroid apps almost never crash on my device).
  3. It must be that you have warnings/errors in your blocks, or you are causing a runtime error (commonly caused by trying operate on two different data types).

My apps also not crushed in my handset and also a percentage of my users don’t face any issues but everyday it is increasing crush status in play console why??

Extensions also contribute a lot to crashes.

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@jayantahaldar02 You’re crushing the few alive brain cells that I have. Please don’t.


But I have not imported any extension