Unable to create project bucket in firebase database

Hi iam sriivas i am creating an app which contains user details
I want store them in firebase dtaabase as follows
Bucket1(userdetails) and unsude that bucket2(email of user) inside it tags and values like name gender place city etc,
Please help me with that

It means…??

Save firebase tag (User details/username)
Value - get username text box text or use custom

I tried it but it’s not working

Iwas just created two text box and text box 1 is for bucket and 2 for name
Button 2 to store value
Button 3 to get value to text box 3

Here are the blocks

It was stored like this

Any one please help me with that

Try this way

Results to


As per your blocks firebase will store value as

Bucket - cnu
Tag - name
Value - cnu

No it’s not working
It was showing an error
For custom firbase hist you must set your authentication servers before using authentication features

Set firebase’s location to us-central and it will work

Since you can not change location to an existing project in firebase, create a new one located in us-central

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Actually you should have to show/share this error first. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Just follow the suggestion given by @dora_paz. Delete the existing one. Recreate fresh project and don’t forget to set location as US-Central.
And try the way what you have tried. Then you will correct as the steps as per your need


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