Unable to download in Webview

Pls help me In web view I am not able to download files.

Pls, check my block I think I am doing something wrong here.

Screen 1

Screen 2

Here you go! Just use the Extended Webviewer extension.

Note: Since I have reached my limit of projects on Kodular, I made this example on other platform. Just follow it, logics are same.

Can you please share Aix file? I am only able to find Custom Web View Extention not Extended Webviewer extension

Not Working.

If I am using this block
URL is not loading and also getting this error

When I remove this green block URL loads fine but does not download files

How it suppose to work? You’re using the wrong blocks. Check again.

ExtendedWebViewer and WebViewer are different. First one is extension and the second one is inbuilt component.

My Bad :sweat_smile:

And thank you so much for your help :bowing_man:

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