Unable to produce AIX for extension when using Rush

#off-topic thanks for that command it works better than rush build

rush build -x just gives debug kind of information, nothing special?


no I still don’t see the .aix file when running rush build -x command

@adwapbao Can you please paste the output of rush build -x here?

As such, there’s nothing special with that flag. It’s just that it prints extra debug log as @hammerhai mentioned.


I have tried the following commands rush build, rush build -r, rush build -x, rush build -o
.aix file cannot be exported, you can watch the video I worked on before

That’s not what I asked for. :point_down:

By output, I mean the text output that you see in your terminal application after build command is executed.

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Admin@Admin MINGW64 /d/date/ytthumb
$ rush build -x
     _______  _______/ /_
    / ___/ / / / ___/ __ \
   / /  / /_/ (__  / / / /
  /_/   \__,_/____/_/ /_/

β€’ Build initialized

β”Œ Validating project files
β”‚  OKAY Metadata file (rush.yml)
β”‚  OKAY AndroidManifest.xml file
β”” Done
β”Œ Compiling Java files
β”” Done
β”Œ Processing extension files
β”‚  process:
β”‚       [java] Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb\classes\simple_components.json
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at io.shreyash.rush.ExtensionGenerator.readFile(ExtensionGenerator.java:255)
β”‚       [java]  at io.shreyash.rush.ExtensionGenerator.main(ExtensionGenerator.java:25)
β”” Done
β”Œ Converting Java bytecode to DEX bytecode
β”‚       [java] Error in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb\raw\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb\files\AndroidRuntime.jar:
β”‚       [java] File not found: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb\raw\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb\files\AndroidRuntime.jar
β”‚       [java] Compilation failed
β”” Done
β”Œ Finalizing the build
β”‚        [zip] Warning: skipping zip archive D:\date\ytthumb\out\com.tythumb.abc.ytthumb.aix because no files were included.
β”” Done

β€’ Build successful

Admin@Admin MINGW64 /d/date/ytthumb

I have done everything, after build successful I can’t get aix in Out folder. Why?

(I’m trying to build the default java)


I also had the same problem

@JAHID and @adwapbao, I’m investigating the issue where the AIX is not getting produced. I’ll release a fix once I get it resolved.

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@adwapbao Can you try creating an extension with Rush in the drive thats letter is β€œC:”? Don’t even change the files, just create and see if it builds.

i tried it in C: drive and nothing

That won’t make any difference. The problem is that the Java file for the extension isn’t getting compiled, and hence, no AIX in the out directory.

I just figured since it said something about the C: drive that it would, since they’re creating the project in a completely different drive.

Here I see the compile log with the error of missing file \ AndroidRuntime.jar.
Converting Java bytecode to DEX bytecode
β”‚ [java] Error in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.ytthumb\raw\com.ytthumb\files\AndroidRuntime.jar:
β”‚ [java] File not found: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.ytthumb\raw\com.ytthumb\files\AndroidRuntime.jar
β”‚ [java] Compilation failed
β”” Done
β”Œ Finalizing the build
β”‚ [zip] Warning: skipping zip archive D:\ex\ytthumb\out\com.ytthumb.aix because no files were included.
β”” Done

I also have this issue. The extension doesn’t compile I mean the build is successful but there is not extension in out folder

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Thanks for reporting @zainulhassan. I’m investigating the issue.


i dont know why but it works for me
did you all add this line

-keeppackagenames gnu.kawa.functions.**
-keeppackagenames gnu.expr.**

to proguard-rules-pro ?

watch my video, I did and added that command and there is no .aix file watch min 4:07

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try creating a new project and then dont change it at all and then try?