Unable to produce AIX for extension when using Rush

I tested a lot with as different names and to no avail

You really should start reading the replies in this topic.


Everything works fine for me.



Here are my steps (to create the extension, test1.aix β†’ com.bodymindpower.test1.aix):

So try to do it the same way and report if you get the same issue (aix not created).
@adwapbao @zainulhassan


The issue is fixed thanks for your answer

Ok, what was the problem? A space in the folder name or … ?

1 Like

Yes exactly. But @Shreyash also gave a new rush executable file as well.

1 Like

Can you check your extension in a compiled app . I mean try to compile an app with the built extension

Ok, but that doesn’t apply to @adwapbao. As far as I could see in his video, there is no space.

As I mentioned above shreyash provided me an updated rush.exe file. Maybe that would solve the issue.

No. The EXE I gave you just had some small changes that printed extra debug log, which helped me in identifying the issue, which in your as well as @JAHID’s case was whitespace in directory name.


As you can see in my video, there is no issue as long as no spaces are used in the folders.


I followed exactly what you did in the video but I still don’t see my .aix file in the out folder

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Admin> cd..
PS C:\Users> cd d:
PS D:\> cd rush
PS D:\rush> cd myExtension
PS D:\rush\myExtension> rush create test1
     _______  _______/ /_
    / ___/ / / / ___/ __ \
   / /  / /_/ (__  / / / /
  /_/   \__,_/____/_/ /_/

? Organisation (package name) com.abc
? Author myname
? Version name 1

β€’ Getting things ready...
β€’ Success! Generated a new AI2 extension project in: D:\rush\myExtension\test1

Next up,
  - cd into test1/, and
  - run rush build to compile your extension.
PS D:\rush\myExtension> cd test1
PS D:\rush\myExtension\test1> rush build
     _______  _______/ /_
    / ___/ / / / ___/ __ \
   / /  / /_/ (__  / / / /
  /_/   \__,_/____/_/ /_/

β€’ Build initialized

β”Œ Validating project files
β”‚  OKAY Metadata file (rush.yml)
β”‚  OKAY AndroidManifest.xml file
β”” Done
β”Œ Compiling Java files
β”” Done
β”Œ Processing extension files
β”” Done
β”Œ Converting Java bytecode to DEX bytecode
β”” Done
β”Œ Finalizing the build
β”” Done

β€’ Build successful
PS D:\rush\myExtension\test1>

when I ran the -rx command the log gave this error

PS D:\rush\myExtension\test1> rush build -rx
     _______  _______/ /_
    / ___/ / / / ___/ __ \
   / /  / /_/ (__  / / / /
  /_/   \__,_/____/_/ /_/

β€’ Build initialized

β”Œ Validating project files
β”‚  OKAY Metadata file (rush.yml)
β”‚  OKAY AndroidManifest.xml file
β”” Done
β”Œ Compiling Java files
β”‚  javac:
β”‚      [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\classes
β”” Done
β”Œ Optimizing Java bytecode
β”‚  process:
β”‚      [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\raw
β”‚      [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\raw-classes
β”‚       [java] Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\classes\simple_components.json
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(Unknown Source)
β”‚       [java]  at io.shreyash.rush.ExtensionGenerator.readFile(ExtensionGenerator.java:255)
β”‚       [java]  at io.shreyash.rush.ExtensionGenerator.main(ExtensionGenerator.java:25)
β”” Done
β”Œ Converting Java bytecode to DEX bytecode
β”‚       [java] Error in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\raw\com.abc.test1\files\AndroidRuntime.jar:
β”‚       [java] File not found: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\rush\workspaces\com.abc.test1\raw\com.abc.test1\files\AndroidRuntime.jar
β”‚       [java] Compilation failed
β”” Done
β”Œ Finalizing the build
β”‚        [zip] Warning: skipping zip archive D:\rush\myExtension\test1\out\com.abc.test1.aix because no files were included.
β”” Done

β€’ Build successful
PS D:\rush\myExtension\test1>

can you check your logs and in C: \ Users \ Admin \ AppData \ Roaming \ rush \ workspaces \ com.abc.test1 \ raw \ com.abc.test1 \ files \ AndroidRuntime.jar folder there is Such similar directories are not, and very thank you for the reply.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Rush build fails with unsupported class version error