"Unterminated object at character...." error messages

Hello to all Kodular gurus, I may need some help here.
I’m trying to set a Dynamic Component listview using the extension by @yusufcihan but encountered some errors in my json coding.
I have been tried to follow and based on @iamwsumit’s post on multiple listview design.
So my blocks as follows,

While my json codes as below,

 "name": "serviceprovider",
 "metadata-version": 1,
 "author": "Mike Chan",
 "platform": [

 "keys": [

 "components": [
		 "type": "SpaceView",
		  "type": "VerticalArrangement",
				"WidthPercent": 95,
				"AlignVertical": 2,
				"AlignHorizontal": 3

							  "id": "titleverti_{ID}",
							  "type": "VerticalArrangement",
							  "properties": {
									  "WidthPercent": 95,
									  "AlignVertical": 2
											   "id": "space1_{ID}",
											   "type": "SpaceView",
											   "properties": {
													   "HeightPercent": 1
											   "id": "title_{ID}",
											   "type": "Label",
											   "properties": {
													  "Text": "{Title}",
													  "FontTypefaceImport": "MontserratAlternates-Bold.otf"
											    "id": "space1_{ID}",
											    "type": "SpaceView",
											    "properties": {
													   "HeightPercent": 1
											    "id": "description_{ID}",
											    "type": "Label",
											    "properties": {
													   "Text": "{Description}",
													   "FontTypefaceImport": "MontserratAlternates-Italic.otf"
							  "id": "horizontal_{ID}",
							  "type": "HorizontalArrangement",
							  "properties": {
									 "WidthPercent": 95,
									 "AlignVertical": 2
									"components": [
											 "id": "area_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													 "Text": "Area:{Area}",
													 "FontSize": 22,
											 "id": "spacearea_{ID}",
											 "type": "SpaceView",
											 "properties": {
													"WidthPercent": 3
											 "id": "call_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													"Text": "phonecall",
													"FontSize": 27,
													"FontTypeface": 7,
													"Clickable": true
											 "id": "spacecall_{ID}",
											 "type": "SpaceView",
											 "properties": {
													"WidthPercent": 3
											 "id": "whatsapp_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													"Text": "Whatsapp",
													"FontSize": 27,
													"Clickable": true
		  "id": "spacebtw2_{ID}",
		  "type": "SpaceView",
		  "properties": {
				 "HeightPercent": 2
		  "id": "divider_{ID}",
		  "type": "Label",
		  "properties": {
				 "Width": -2,
				 "Height": 2,
				 "BackgroundColor": -1633771777

So when I test to run in my kodular companion it shows the error like below and the unterminated character is pointing at the red line in the second picture below.


I have been searching anymore typo but couldn’t find any, or any problem with my json coding. Kindly guide me how to fix this one. Thank you very much. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Try this json

 "name": "serviceprovider",
 "metadata-version": 1,
 "author": "Mike Chan",
 "platform": [

 "keys": [

 "components": [
		 "type": "SpaceView",
		  "type": "VerticalArrangement",
				"WidthPercent": 95,
				"AlignVertical": 2,
				"AlignHorizontal": 3

							  "id": "titleverti_{ID}",
							  "type": "VerticalArrangement",
							  "properties": {
									  "WidthPercent": 95,
									  "AlignVertical": 2
											   "id": "space1_{ID}",
											   "type": "SpaceView",
											   "properties": {
													   "HeightPercent": 1
											   "id": "title_{ID}",
											   "type": "Label",
											   "properties": {
													  "Text": "{Title}",
													  "FontTypefaceImport": "MontserratAlternates-Bold.otf"
											    "id": "space2_{ID}",
											    "type": "SpaceView",
											    "properties": {
													   "HeightPercent": 1
											    "id": "description_{ID}",
											    "type": "Label",
											    "properties": {
													   "Text": "{Description}",
													   "FontTypefaceImport": "MontserratAlternates-Italic.otf"
							  "id": "horizontal_{ID}",
							  "type": "HorizontalArrangement",
							  "properties": {
									 "WidthPercent": 95,
									 "AlignVertical": 2
									"components": [
											 "id": "area_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													 "Text": "Area:{Area}",
													 "FontSize": 22,
											 "id": "spacearea_{ID}",
											 "type": "SpaceView",
											 "properties": {
													"WidthPercent": 3
											 "id": "call_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													"Text": "phonecall",
													"FontSize": 27,
													"FontTypeface": 7,
													"Clickable": true
											 "id": "spacecall_{ID}",
											 "type": "SpaceView",
											 "properties": {
													"WidthPercent": 3
											 "id": "whatsapp_{ID}",
											 "type": "Label",
											 "properties": {
													"Text": "Whatsapp",
													"FontSize": 27,
													"Clickable": true
		  "id": "spacebtw2_{ID}",
		  "type": "SpaceView",
		  "properties": {
				 "HeightPercent": 2
		  "id": "divider_{ID}",
		  "type": "Label",
		  "properties": {
				 "Width": -2,
				 "Height": 2,
				 "BackgroundColor": -1633771777

Actually the problem was a missing } at end of json and besides that you used twice same id


@dora_paz much appreciated on the areas that you have pointed out and now it can work, plus I have modified something to the properties.

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