Update My App - Extension - Useful to app builders to update their distributed apps

This is working. THanks


Will it work with airtable sheets?

no, only google spreadsheets

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When my app starts,then I used block update available.But it shows no sheet named app update.Why is that happening

@J.M.R_CREATIONS, Please check that you have created a google sheet with the sheet name that you have specified in the block CheckForUpdate.

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Yeah I ve checked

this extension needs to be updated. I have already written. it doesnā€™t work with imported projects.

Hello, how are you?

I have an application uploaded to the play store, it is possible to use the extension or you have to do them from the beginning, that is, version 1 of the application.

Another thing, does the spreadsheet have to be the same as you use, or can I create one with the custom titles?

Thanks a lot.

Yes @manudavril1, you can use this extension and you can change the column headers as per your wish.

If your app is published on Play Store, then use In App Update.
It would be better I think :wink:

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A doubt, how do I appear only once at startup? I have two screens and whenever I come back he keeps checking. He only wanted it to appear only once and if he wanted it to appear again he would have to press the button to check if he has a new update

@Victor_Ken, Use a flag with tinyDB. Then it will not ask you to Update when you come back to Screen1.

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Hiā€¦i want to make a splash screen then when screen intialise it should check for updates and after checking the timer should end and it open a new screenā€¦pls tell how can i do that?

Nice extension, Keep make more like this.


I was across to find extension to make my app detect update when new version presents in playstore but this is use full, thank you very much.

But also, I have an idea we donā€™t need to have extension to make app detects new version simple we can connect our app in airtable than will detect updates.

Ask me how.

as I make sheet in Google with the sheet name that you have specified in the CheckForUpdate block please help

How can i show custom dialog if app update available?
like using notifier and own arrangements to show dialog.

@Automate_My_Project Better if you can add this in next update.

Can you please send download link


Here is the link to download the extension:
