Uploading to playstore major error! Certificate Error

Okay Peter

Yes, both APKs have the same keystore. So it should work to update your app in the Play Store. I have probably done this more than 1000 times and have never had a problem with it.

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If they have the same keystore, then why is it when I upload I get that error?

But wait, can you check if this has the same keystore;
39.apk (9.4 MB)

The same, should work.

Should I upload you a screen record of me uploading, because its still bringing the same error.
And that’s why I would like @Pete to tag @Kodular

This has nothing to do with Kodular.


Now Kindly advise on what I should do

Yes, do that and be sure that you upload the same APK as you sent to me.
It is best to show the entire upload process until the error message.

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Here is the video:

I hope you’ve seen the screen capture

@Peter tell me, is this normal?

Yes, I’m not sure what’s going on. It seems to be related to the fact that you have activated this:


(I also used that in some of my apps and never had any problems.)

Let’s simplify that, try the following:

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Can you check how many keys you have there

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Have a look!

Since you enrolled in app signing by Google Play, you have to use upload certificate key, which one is that, did you get any from google etc

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And how do I use it?

This is the mail I got from Google

This request is 4 days old, so what did you upload to google or where is that key?


Nothing so far,I contacted Google Support team and the told me to upload a .PEM folder, however I followed a link you gave to do so but am unable. Not familiar with CMD

No key

@Boban have a look; the email I got from Google after contacting the in regards to the issue.

Currently, there are three keys present

  1. key that google is signing your app with

  2. your file 36 and 39 contains 1 key that also was used as upload key and thereby worked before

  3. at some point you did something as per your request you have a new upload key that you also have to confirm with a pem file

how and what you did I can’t say

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Why don’t you tell us this first?
Instead, we’re puzzling around here unnecessarily.

See here: