UX UI Tip - Colour management.

Colour Selection Matters

I am so happy to see so many great app ideas. Colour mangement is very simple and a massive improvement to apps.

Look at your colours. Look at this example, and you will improve the impression of your app.

------------------LEFT BAD --------------------------------------RIGHT GOOD------------------


Take a look here too: https://flatuicolors.com/

i use this :grin: Color Chart — HTML Color Codes

I use this for Gradients and also for Ui Ux Colors https://uigradients.com

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Good but I think Material colors are much better.
I prefer material colors for UI/UX colors :-Color - Material-UI
and Material color TOOL to make a color perfect material UI :-Color Tool - Material Design


@Koder1331 Awesome :sweat_smile: