Webview Useragent

Is there any solution to reflect my website to webview component and make it work with google sign in option. I am getting error from google login.

I am not willing to use chrome tab

Use http://yourwebsite

http instead of https or just remove www from my domain

Why you removed the www it’s a important and why you get error show error pic


I am using https://www.explorebalochistan.com but still getting this error

Set the WebViews User Agent (you’ll find it in the properties) to this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9.0; Pixel3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.80 Mobile Safari/537.36


Use custom chrome tabs it’s useful for you

He doesn’t wanna do it.

But, @mr_hassan_shaikh, you can use my soultion, it’ll work:

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Thanks man this worked for me but having another issue with file uload in webview. I have converted my website into android app but upload is not working via webview.

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Make a New topic about a différent problem.
Also, as I know it’s not implemented it for the WebView, but they’re working on it

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