What is the correct input for Notifier Show List Picker Icon?

Hi Koders,

The Notifier Show List Picker Icon input is expecting TEXT

What is the correct input here ?

I have tried setting the “Text Font Typeface” to Font Awesome 5 regular and using fontawesome code as Icon text

I have tried setting the “Text Font Typeface” to Material Icon and using material code as Icon text

I also tried uploading the material icon to the asset and using the name but no luck.

So what is the correct input here ? Is the “icon” used to display an icon next to each of the elements in the List ?


I think this way is the right one

But you will have to try this:

file:///android_asset/<yourfile> for APK and
file:///storage/emulated/0/Makeroid/assets/<yourfile> for Companion

Idk if that works, but usually this is the way for load offline HTML files from asset into WebViewer, and maybe it works here, too. :thinking:


Just upload the file into assets and for the icon type the file name with the format, example: icon.png

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Oh no, I just forgot that he didn’t put that in, too. Then probably this is the issue and you can forgot mine. :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

Yes, but for your file, at the end, you also need the format of the file. :wink:

Add the file extension in the end.

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This produced output as

So the icon is displayed in the Title and not on each item. Okay.
Thanks @Mateja and @Yoshi.

But putting the appropriate fontcode as Icon text and setting respective font in “Title Font Typeface” is not giving me the same result. So i guess the only option to add to asset and use “iconname.format”. Is it so ?


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Yes it is. Mark the appropriate answer as solution :slight_smile:


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