Which tool can I use to convert my aia project to source code and import into Android studio?

Sorry for recreating new topic since this was asked but I think in this 2020 maybe there are some tools and ways to do this!

Why do I want to change my aia to android studio? it is because I have tried to use IAB component but it is not working for me, so I think using Android studio will be easy.

But if one will help me to know how I can implement IAB on my app then there will be no need to think of android studio.

Kind regards

There is a tool out there that can convert app inventor’s aia to Android Studio project, however I don’t know will that be working in Kodular:


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Wow, @WatermelonIce you have encouraged me a little bit but why can’t work on Kodular?

Because some component in Kodular don’t exist in AI2. If there are some, it might not work.


ok, but how does that tool work because I have tried to follow the link and it doesn’t show how it works!

ok, first of all click try out the generator.

Then after logging in, you will see something like app inventor. In project, import project from aia. Open the project and click build > Java Bridge.


Thanks in advance @WatermelonIce

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its work fine your apps after convert to android studio?

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