Whit3 Screen after Splash Screen

cafee.aia (26.1 KB)
Here is aia. As they said above only works as apk. Try it

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everything he did correct, only sensitive mistake he has committed as usual by one and all. He misspelled the words… thats why he cannot achieve it… now ok

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Basically yes. However checking the about blank on page loaded and puting the notification there wasn’t a good idea either. All it needed is screen back press

You might want check internet connection as well as your server state before you actually load the page.

well, why i used such block mean, suppose if user in 4 step forward and want to back to two step back then does his work mean, that time it may be trouble to him so that, even after reaching home and user pressed back i have designed such block

I understand that but it is supposed to be an app and not a browser. There is menu for that purpose. And that can also cause a problem for example after a form submitted. This is just my opinion

Thanks for this buddy. Closing app works with your blocks. But I don’t want the dialog box to appear immediately after first back press. @Still-learning fixed it already. Thank you so much both of you for your time and effort.

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No prroblem. Still consider what i said above to add to your code. Internet connection and server check. Good luck

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Copy. :+1:

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