Why do people edit and copyright others AIA file?

FYI, App Inventor collaborated with Kodular few months back and you’re asking about permission!!
Moreover, App inventor is an open source :man_shrugging:
You should read the facts first before starting any arguments.


You should learn that it is not ok to just copy an aia and spread it as your own. You should always attribute the original developer. You should license your aia if you don’t want it to be copied.

When you do that you could try to stop someone who is using your code, but that will always be very difficult.

And now you should move on. I hope you have learned your lesson. I won’t suspend you.


Is it really necessary to keep discussing this? I feel like the people got a point now and there is no need to post the same thing over and over again.


I have a few questions:

  1. How do we license our aia? I mean… if we don’t give others our aia file, then they won’t know what is in the aia right?
  2. And what can we license about the aia file? The block arrangements?
  3. How much change do we have to make to the original to make the licensed aia file legal for us to use for our purpose?
  4. How do we check if someone copied our aia, if he/she merely posted an apk? How could we know?
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If you feel truly feel bad , try to undo what you did by pulling down your posts, guides, app store app etc.

Everybody deserves a chance to correct themselves. Hope you learned a lesson.

This might help you

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Can I ask which post?

That’s not true.
ontstudios also comes in the community.

I haven’t seen your thread otherwise I have done what I could.

Is there any difference between him and you now? :thinking:

obvious?? :question:
Always remember friend:
Ideas can be same but not the content

If I remember correctly then few days ago you were saying that people have right to criticize you(or anyone).

Note: I have tried to be neutral.I am not defending someone nor offending someone. :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe we can stop the discussion about this specific case or i will have to close the topic if it gets to personal.


Really good, @Mateja! This showed me that you’re really fair.

Guys, he’s right, everyone makes mistakes in his life and these should be excused.

If people learn from their faults, we could bring this unnecessary discussion behind us fast.

So, please, let’s top offending people here. I think everyone had a lesson now.



Sure.You can and you will :slightly_smiling_face:
But this is not really a helpful solution nor it will stop the discussion.


The conclusion would be

  1. Stop giving the aia, ais or any other such files with which there is 100% possibility of your hard work being replicated without any efforts

  2. Everyone has made mistakes and has overcome that or is overcoming. For this the only thing need is Chance. And I think everyone should get that at-least once

  3. I think topics like this should not be there for pointing someone’s mistake. Rather this and other such topics could be used to discuss security measures to be taken to avoid these types of issues, to discuss related solution, thus keeping these type of discussion healthy, live and fruitful.


Thank you @Vaibhav :heart:
It will be really helpful for me if Kodular will think the same. :sweat_smile:
Although it was beneficial than regret :heart_eyes:

Unable to understand?? Look at the past :joy:

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That’s how open source works. The question of licensing doesn’t even exist when the code is closed-source. Once you open-source your code, without a license you accept that anyone can do anything with it.


First When I was new here Almost a Year Ago.
I search on youtube for free Aia and Monitize them. The Facts Is That I Never Earned a Single Penny from them
But when I Joined Community and spent time here then I Understood There Is much more then just Earing Money using these stealed Aia.
Developers Like @vknow360 and more Dev, Which makes Such a great Extension’s And Keep them OpenSource and Free. They Inspire me to create My Original Work.
:grin: :grin: :grin:


My story is almost same


Copying someones work is not bad, if you are not giving credits to the original creator then its bad.

changing app name and color combination is not updating. if you really want to improve someones work then add some useful feature or implement someones work in your project, then no one will blame you. Giving credits is not that hard. It gives motivation to the creator to make more awesome things which will eventually help you in future.

If you don’t appreciate someones work then you have no rights to use someones work in any case.

i hope @Xoma will understand now.


Can we stop the discussion?


Please don’t mention anyone Now. And Please Stop Talking About Any Particular One.



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Thanks that answered some of my questions