5 Different Listviews using Dynamic component Extension | Guide

List is Loading slowly.

@VSatish no actually i kodded it like only when the image is loaded, it will get the next list, or else it will miss some images and some will not appear

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you can try it Ayurvedas (6).apk (9.8 MB)
If any error, then say me :slightly_smiling_face:

Ohh Thats why its Looking bit slow. :sweat_smile:


Because the Schema function is released, I converted the first one to JSON.
The first:

    "name": "Simple ListView",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [

The block part, (sadly you cannot call method block in the Schema)


    "name": "BigImage ListView",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [
            "components": [
                    "components": [
                            "components": [


    "name": "Aia/Aix Store Listview",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [
            "components": [
                    "components": [
                            "Text":" • Last Upadated: {updated}\n • Platform: {platform}\n • Developer: {developer}\n • Total Downloads: {downloads}",
                        "components": [


    "name": "Youtube Homepage ListView",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [
            "components": [
                    "components": [
                            "components": [
                                        "Text":"{name} • {views} • {time}"

*If you need the extension of Image loader, the id is thumbImage_(id)

    "name": "Social Media ListView",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [
            "components": [
                    "components": [
                            "components": [
                                        "Text":"{time} • {views}"
                    "components": [
                                "Text":"{name} • {description}",
                    "components": [


*If you need the extension of Image loader, the id is thumb_(id)
Rewritten AIA: ForthcomingAquamarineMacaw (Schema rewritten).aia (380.8 KB)

There is currently something wrong with the big picture (In the 4th and the 5th). It will stretch so wide.
I have no idea why but you can just remove it from the code, and create with blocks


Great :heart_eyes:

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I also Tried to make Schema for my Design but that was a Successful Failure.
Now i will Try Again with Your Schema as Guide.

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@WatermelonIce one question does the components load faster by using schema instead of blocks ?

I don’t know. But it definitely saves blocks :+1:


Hello, its me again, I am writing the third Schema. I have a little question:

What are you setting to?

Let me check :sweat_smile:

Actually I was setting button shape to rounded but that time I was getting some error, so I used the get property block.

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If you want to set it to rounded just put 1
Default: 0
Rounded: 1
Rectangular: 2
Oval: 3


Yes I knew it, but that time I don’t know that, therefore I used that blocks :sweat_smile:

Guys, I have just wrote all schema, please check this updated post:

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Thanks @WatermelonIce for the great contribution, Can I add it to guide :blush:

Ofc you can, it is your guide and everything belongs to you!

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@themaayur you have miss the closing bracket in all schema. It is important.
you should put the ``` under the last }

Oops, In which listview. I even didn’t copy properly :sweat_smile:

All of them :upside_down_face: