Ad Manager error

I set the ad Manager app ID into the Google Ads App ID field.
But I receive this error;

It is said, we dont need do anything with adUnits, it will set automatically.
As you see in error warning; it needs ad size and ad unit ID.


I dont understand, why nobody reply this topic. Am I the only one person who has this error?

Are you loading ads on screen 1?

yes, I have only one screen.

and screen initializing block?

yes, the ad-loading-block is on there (screen initial)

From what i know.
Ads sdk takes time to load.
Delay it for few micro seconds.(use clock or put something above it).
Try and let me know if this works.


I tried with a clock (10 seconds) but isame error.

Is your clock system working? are you sure about it?
or simply use a button to load ad manually - this will automatically delay the load

yes of course.

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Good Luck :+1:


It seems like there are a couple of issues in Companion. We’ll take a look into it.

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It is not only because of companion. The same error occurs in apk too.

Can you send an APK where that error happens, please?

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adManager.apk (8.5 MB)
adManager.aia (2.3 KB)

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did you check the apk?

Yes, it looks to be an inventory error. Can you try to add those ads into an app with content? I suspect that it’s not showing ads because it’s a “blank” app.

I tried before in my old app which has plenty content. It gives the same error.
This apk which I send you was just an example.

I actually opened an issue like this and one of the admin told me he’s looking for the solution but until now, there’s none. I cannot utilize the Ad Manager feature because of this. Not until it was resolved, I’d stick to old banners with “blinking issue” till now.

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I also lost hope. Nobody’s complaining. Nobody cares.