Adding values to the list

Hello. I store the values ​​I entered in the text box in firebase. How can I make the values ​​I entered in the form of a list? For example, every time I enter a value, the value is added to the list. If I am deleting a value, immediately delete the value from the list. If I’m beating a value, let the value be refreshed immediately. Can you please help with this?

What have you tried so far?

Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to do it, so I didn’t do anything. I’m asking for list view

Then try this method… When fitebase got value cath the result in listview

Will it be added for listview if i do this?

Yes it do but you should add create empty list before adding get value into list view so that everytime whenever you add new value it will be save as a list into the same tag and you canbsee the list in your listview

Oh, it’s under different tags, but my values

If it were different tags then you must use dictionary block. Before suggesting you show us your fb skeleton

Thanks for the help