After picking image, the image rotate

Hello friends, I have a problem and it is that after using the image picker, the images that are not landscape rotate 90 °, this only happens with the images that are taken with my camera, however in the image gallery you can see well.
Apparently it only happens on Android 11, I tested on Android 9 and it works normal.

Did you use any angle in designer part for the image?

How did you shoot your image using camera , landscape mode or portroid mode?

There is no angle set, and the image width / height is in fill parent, also try automatic and it is the same result.

I noticed this issue occurs with Xiaomi devices

Not in all, I tested in 2 xiaomis, one with android 9 and it works fine, only in the one with android 11 I get this problem.

It’s a bit strange, but just doing any modification / editing to the original image before selecting it solves it.

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