Aia store app with aia file

Name - Aia store
Description - Aia store made with the wonderful power of the kodular with admin app.
Screenshots -

Apk - AIA-STORE.apk (6.5 MB)

Aia (optional) - Aia store aia file

Extension used -
Search View Extension by deep host

And the big thank to whole kodular community to help me when ever I have problem.


Nice app, I think so you should add a label and use it for mentioning creator/developer of the extension

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Yeah ! You want to give credit to developer

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Is deep host is on kodular community then please give me his id so I can add to the post.

No,I mean you shoud give credit to the extension Developer in your app.

Here you shoud add the name of the extension Developer.

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I have provided description option in the app there it can be added (Data provided here is only for test)

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Thankyou for providing the aia file​:grinning::grinning::heart_eyes:

it is in user trash plz renew the aia google drive link

This app developer is ‘poor developer’ he also have a channel on youtube

What do you mean?

I am unable to find an AIA for it?