Since I did not change the manifest, it is a riddle why this can be the case. I can decompile it and see if this happened. Meanwhile I have taken an earlier version and made the changes again. It compiles and I can make version copies. I know an ugly solution but it worked.
In my case it happened the Koduloid game, which I started recently. And I never made an app when it was named Makeroid. I made a copy of it and when I tried installing the copy, the installation went OK but I couldn’t find the app anywhere, except in the Apps Settings.
I downloaded the aia, made this change from @7StarMedia and re uploaded it. After that the apk installed perfectly.
It is awful but again the same error is risen. My working aia and apk can be saved as a checkpoint, but the result of the copy will produce a non visible app. Checking manifest.xml the line < category android:name=“android.intent.category.LAUNCHER” /> is missing.
But I just copied a working file without any changes in Kodular. What to do Boban because of this erroneous behavior?
Go to \youngandroidproject\ folder and open, check that it contains io.kodular as in the folder structure above, if not change it
It seems that decompiling apk, adding < category android:name=“android.intent.category.LAUNCHER”/ > and (App2market) compiling it, is the only solution for now. A lot of extra steps, but if there is no other solution, it is.
I wholeheartedly hope, it is the only project that will show this behaviour.
The only way of making backups I use is downloading the aia and adding the reversed date to it (for better sorting), like MyAwesomeApp_20200110.aia.
Checkpoint and Save As are too buggy at this time.
This option worked for me. My project uploaded in another account (Boban thanks) and exported. The exported aia loaded in my account and the built apk is perfectly oke, including visibility in the launcher.