API of Gofile *Help with HTTP Get and Post*

You just need the file name and not the full path.Something like

What users need to learn and to understand how an API and the APIs they want to consume work, not the ready blocks. :+1:t2:


Yes :sweat_smile:
I finally use the terminal extension to use the curl command and the API. Thanks to you @Mohamed_Tamer @Rogerio_Rios!!

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How did you use it?


Hey, Even I am having same requirement,

So can you please share your Block.
Thanks in Advance

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One detail: I think this extension is not exclusive to CURL. Right ?

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Yes. It’s that extension:

by @juananton1991

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It is Linux command terminal …

Edit , right ? :wink:

Yes :+1:t3: :sweat_smile::joy:
Now it’s good jejeje

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the web component does not support multipart/form-data
good to know, that you got it running using the extension by @juananton1991


Why am I getting empty string?
blocks (38)

curl -F [email protected] -F [email protected] https://srv-file6.gofile.io/uploadFile

Your email , is This ?

No that’s not my email.
I tried with my email.
I changed it while posting because posting emails on the community is not allowed.

Can you give sample blocks on how to upload files?

Did You try ?

Full text is not visible in the post.
Please download and post blocks image here.

I sent you the full command before… Remember to put the path with , to put them with spaces. Here it is again

curl -F email=YOUREMAIL -F file=@“PATH-FILE” https://srv-file6.gofile.io/uploadFile

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@sonumohammad333 did You Solved ?