Apk send problem

does anyone know how to explain what this is.it was when i wanted to export my apk to google.it said that? have a photo

Upload failed
You have uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle signed with a key that is also used to sign APKs delivered to users. Since the Google Play App Subscription feature is enabled, you need to sign the APK or Android App Bundle with a new key before uploading.

Have you changed the key store in the settings of kodular?

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alterei nada, na verdade já publiquei o mesmo aplicativo, só que esta é outra versão com novas ferramentas em outra língua de funcionamento.Ele recusa carrega

In English please

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I changed nothing, in fact I already published the same application, so this is another version with new tools in the other working language. It refuses to load

With which development environment (AI2, Kodular, Thunkable, AppyBuilder, …) was the first release of your app created (published)?

yes it is the first version in kodular. I already published a French version on google play. Now I made another version in Yoruba language only with other new things in the app not similar to the French version. Both with kodular.

is for French and Yoruba audiences