Appropriate component for image editor

Also could you just send the image you are using for the image component

Ok now i understand the quality of image decrease when it load on component

Try this if works

*Set high quality in properties

Get Y axis and X axis value from image and image components which show the image set automatically

So If image is 512x512 then set card view set to height and width is 512x512 and remember to set image component height and width is automatically

Seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, thereā€™s no problem related to it, and even though if i set it, the image will not resize or fit appropriately

whatā€™s the difference you said in this post? you already have said it

My app is working fine. I tried it

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Ahh !! I donā€™t know the answer

in which component are you showing the image? like image component or setting background image of any arrangement

Image Component

and canvasā€™s background too

ohh, but the sizes of the images would be different right? and i want the sizing to be the same like other image editor apps resize

You want to resize a image?
(I didnt get you tbh)

Check if it works for you

Image.aia (1.7 KB)

see like professional image editors use a same size to show images no matter how small is it ā€¦ similarly i want to show, tomorrow I will send a comparision with other image editor and my image editor so it will help to understand what i mean

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u have created to many posts!!!
@Soham_Shah have u done scale picture to fit in . that may be the reason. try enable it or disable it.all i can say now i said

if i turn it on, then the picture will be forcefully stretched, decreasing the quality of the image

But you said all the pictures should be of one size no matter if they are small

use some extension