I am sure many are waiting for Kodular fixes for App crashes just like me.
I found a way to FIX issues manually in a bit easier way. I have tried it earlier going through the blocks for hours and still the app would crash after compiling. Other debugging tool was too complex for me
to understand (not a java expert).
Just to describe how complex one of my app is. I have around 9 screens. And one of the main screen has over 5k blocks.
Here is how I fixed it.
Step1 - export your project as aia
Step2 - go to https://unchive.kodular.io/. (Very handy tool. Helps in solving broken project too.)
Step3 - Upload your project. Wait for the project to load. Once loaded, the app details should show in a organised manner.
Step4 - Start scanning properties only (ignore blocks for now) Screen by Screen. Component by component espcially the ones listed in this topic above
Step5 - Fix the properties in creator as you find the issues. (took me actually few mins to find the root cause)
Step6 - Once you have gone through all component properties. Fix the blocks issues accordingly which may take longer depending on how you have coded. For me, not much change other than the webviewer issues.
My major problem was WebViewer Load HTML issue. Was able to solve it using ExtendedWebViewer extension.
I know it is not the best way to fix the issues. But, it worked for me.
Hope this helps someone with their app crashes. Do let me know how it goes.
Kodular team - Thank you for giving an awesome platform to code. I know and understand, some bugs are difficult to fix. But, keep up the good work. I know it is only going to improve from here.
PS: Please ignore the typos.