Background video not playing please help me

On the screen I use background video but it not playing please help me


Show your designer how you are placing the player :face_with_monocle:

And Also @Vishal4 Do one thing upload your video to Cloudinary and use link of cloudinary not of google drive

@Aditya_Nanda right because drive link is not a proper video playing link
you can try to download video and play using download component.

There is no issue playing GDrive link as long as they are not to big (to clarify this: I mean video file not to big), but he might have done some thing wrong on his end…


Yes but @Boban I prefer the direct links as of mediafire and cloudinary not like google drive :pray::sweat_smile:

don’t use link from google drive.
because it has a playback quota

This is complicated because I add OTP login system and Google login system and I attached a link see this in this also drive link used and in start video play but when I add OTP login system then the video not play

No it working first when I made in first but after OTP login it not work

In starting when I make it then it working but after I add OTP login system then it will not work