[BETA] Convert UTM to Degree( latitude / longitude ) and Degree to UTM

This is used to

  1. Convert UTM to Degree( latitude / longitude )
  2. Degree to UTM

Demo App:

UTM2Degree_Converter_Visa_versa.apk (5.2 MB)

Demo aia

UTM2Degree_Converter_Visa_versa.aia (109.5 KB)

Extension ( In developement )

Beta Aix:

com.avm.AllConverters.aix (107.2 KB)



Great work!

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Thank you so much :heart:

Nice extension. Best of luck

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Thanks a lot for your help :grinning:
with this extension i get a perfect solution for my application :+1:

my first experience with your example:

  • I had to set screen 1 to scrollable
  • with card view hight “fill parent” the calculate button was not visible in the companion, with “automatic” it is shown
  • if i type easting and nothing without the zone and click on calculate the app will terminate

If i enter Lat 48.91369 Lon 8.89085 and click calculate, i expect easting 492003 northing 5417897
i get

the “dot” and letter “E” in calculated northing is wrong.
vice versa result i ok.

one question, how can I suppress or round the decimal places like in the easting example


Great Extension :pray: :golfing_man:

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@avmcreators02 Please check. I got the same answer.

Wait I will fix it


UTM Easting and nothing return as integer now.
check with the latest version extension.

com.avm.AllConverters.aix (107.3 KB)


Great you are very fast. Keep it up. :ok_hand:


UTM Easting and nothing return as integer now.
check with the latest version extension.

thanks, you are very fast :grinning:

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@avmcreators02 Please check if this is a Rounded UTM should be 678289 but its showing answer 678288.

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I am using lots of blocks to convert DegreeMinutesSeconds can you add this on extension?
blocks (2) blocks (1) ![blocks (4)|690x338]

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I done something similar to my GPS app:



@avmcreators02 or others
is there a way to get values from list without a intermediate step of an text field (green rectangle) ?
my attempt selecting list element direct (red cycles) didn´t work

you only can use global variables outside of the initialize local block

  1. move the blue block into the orange container…
  2. also you can set PP1 directly like this, see screenshot
  3. a probably better name for PP1 would be listPP1, so you know, that the variable is a list…

btw. it might make more sense to post a screenshot of english blocks next time…


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Hello Taifun,
thanks for your helpfull answer,
i was able to implement all your suggestions and it works.

for better understanding,
to create a polygon in kml format i have to convert at least 3 and maximum 6 coordinate corner points from UTM to DEG
But I can’t find any way to create “AllConverters2”, “AllConverters3” and so on until now.

probably the easiest way is to drag the extension 3 times into the working area to get AIlConverters2 and AIlConverters3, alternatively do it asynchronously, see here App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Webprefetch File by File | Pura Vida Apps how this concept works


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Thanks Taifun,
drag the extension multiple times into the working area was the solution :+1:

Very good extension, it could be great if possible to have 3 decimal accuracy…