According to Kodular documentation, the block “.Are Permissions Granted” returns true if all permissions are granted, and returns false if any permissions have not been granted by the user. The problem is that it is now only returning false. I granted all permissions (I even went to my phone settings to be sure), all permissions are granted, but it keeps returning false. What should I do?
You don’t need the logics block when using the Are Permissions Granted block.
This way a true or false is already returned. Don’t know if that makes any difference in your case but maybe you can try.
I presume you are testing the apk?
I performed the test, but the error persists. The same value is returned.
I created this application just to test this option; I had added it to another project of mine, and I was marvel by the behavior of this block. So I created another project so that I could test this option more quickly, more freely and simply.
I created a quick fix for it.
We will release it in the next update.
Let us then know again if it works then correct or not. But it should be then correct.
I tested it this way. When i install the apk and run the first time and press button2 the label is set to False. When i open the app settings and manually set the permission for the filesystem since i added a File component and go back and press Button2 again my label is set to true.
So it seems to work for me or am i overlooking something that @Mika had to make a fix.
Great! Thank you very much for the assistance, I confess that I really liked this community.
But on average, when will the next update come out?
See also here:
Instead of “ActivityCompat” we use now “ContextCompat”.
It’s just a internal code change and few other line improvements I did in our code.
So in this case both blocks do the same?
Is there a logic to figure out when I have to use the “if x = y” and when to use “if x then”?
I meant which blocks.
I always try to use as less blocks as possible. So if you know it will return a true or false like in this case you don’t have to use the logics blocks.
I hope soon. I can’t say any day since we did not talked about it current in our team.