Blocks are not saved when special characters are pasted into text block

Describe your issue

I’m trying to create Data Matrix barcode scanner using Advanced Scanner extension. It scanns the code correctly and returns result, but Data Matrix contains special characters like RS (record separator), GS (group separator), EOT. I want to get rid of them and replace them with “;” or “,” so I can paste the date into CSV. I tried using &#29, &#30 HTML codes to replace them or unicode numbers &#001d, etc, however it didn’t work. On one of the topics I found that I can paste those characters from here: Group Separator (Information Separator Three), Unicode Number: U+001D 📖 Symbol Meaning ✂ Copy & 📋 Paste (◕‿◕) SYMBL into to the text block and it actualy replaces that special characters and works fine. However once I paste it into my block my whole block diagram gets broken and is not saved and when I refresh page I have almost empty diagram.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Set some empty string variable
  2. Use replace block with “Replace all text” equal to variable from step 1, into replacement set anything, into segment copy and paste character from Group Separator (Information Separator Three), Unicode Number: U+001D 📖 Symbol Meaning ✂ Copy & 📋 Paste (◕‿◕) SYMBL
  3. Save project
  4. Refresh page or reload project - your replace block will disappear or will get defaulted.

Expected Behaviour

Special characters should not break diagram saving.

Actual Behaviour

Diagram is not saved and gets reset.

Show your Blocks


Android version

Not applicable.


@Boban Thank you, it works!

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