Bluetoooth client component not working

error 507 errrrrror

Have you check your device turned on?

ard.aia (2.0 KB) kindly check this also electrobot appy

yes its turn on

Maybe you can try to change your block like this?

kindly correct error and send me aia please

i just used client but you had used admin i dont understand give me an aia to understand

Try this.
BT_Tester.aia (300.0 KB)

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i thin you had send me whole project :no_mouth: ik ask to correct in my aia

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Iā€™m using bluetoothclient :joy:

nope not working

Sry for error understanding. I will correct it and send you later. :ok_hand:

blocks (21)

it will work
but try this only if the headphone is turned on

error 507 i need to integrate with arduino

ill do

check ur headphone is turn on if it is connected to other devices unpair,also unpair ur mobile

Are u using Bluetooth Module HT-05 or HT-06?

both worked for me
i think if nothing worked then the issue is on circuit
also power off arduino maybe if the tx,rx is connected wrong

I want to check whether the module is connected by led.

dont go deeper veven my headphones not connected