Bring Back Subscription System for Removing Kodular Commission (Just set a limit for Commision)

Kodular Team
When I saw your commission right now I was Shocked. It’s really too high, You keep the 25% of revenue that doesn’t seem to be fair.
I know that it is the only way currently for Kodular to generate revenue but there should be a limit to it.
You can also provide another option to have a subscription/month to remove commission from a app. You can charge as you want, but at least provide this option.
If you want to charge $100/ month for removing commission there is no problem.
But 25% revenue is a bit high commission.
Please Pay attention towards this request and add option to remove revenue…

That’s not true. Each monetisation component has a different rate of commission. You can see how much commission we take from each component on the documentation pages: Overview of Monetization > Advertising - Kodular Docs

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Ad extensions are not allowed on Kodular.

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