Calling specific element of list value in every tags of firebase project

this block give me the same value from firebase project listed below.
blocks (2)
blocks (3)

firebase project

i need an output to be
name4…store in ‘onwork’ list

but it show me

hi but i need quick response please…

No one please… :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

no need of project bucket… just get the tag value of activity and use dictionary block (walk at all level) to get required value

every one on a kodular community are late to reply. that’s annoying…
Ok i made…i prepare 1 project bucket and 10 tags inside and 2 value inside each tag. so how can i retrieve every 20 value in a 1 list using loop…
blocks (4)
blocks (5)

Set project bucket to empty string and use firebase get value with tag activity. This will get all data under activity tag. Later u can separate and get required data using dictionary blocks.

answered already. Here no one is get paid for the reply/solution/suggestion. so patience is important


sorry to hear that…i made a mistake. sorry @Still-learning

i had project bucket with the name “doctorlist” with a tag in it. and i want to call each 1st element in the list value of tag

Set firebase calling tag as doctors list,

From the obtained dictionary value, walk at level level (one time) now you get four CSV row list. Then you should use for each items in the CSV row list to list then take first item

finally I got this list value, so can i get single element from this list…


use some back testing

replace "

replace [ & ] with empty

now you will have csv row

convert into list

take firs item from this

i use this block
blocks (7)

blocks (6)
i got result

from my firebase project

i need to displays each element found in “eachid” list, which have output rounded by orange color on the phone. :pray: :pray:

this should be my last question so help me please by making example block code… :pray: :pray:

how do you save the data in fb? show me the blocks



blocks and output

No Project Bucket Used…

thanks @Still-learning you help me a lot, finally I make the way to select specific item exactly as I want from my array data format.

blocks (10)

result for eachsex is display on screen which is unbounded and eachitem2 text is bounded by orange color

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Good , BTW here no need of web json decode. If you use url then it should. But here firbase default block will return as list type only.

No it should be there, when i’m doing without json decoder i miss the order i got key markon first but it did not, hamelmal should be, json decoder solve this.