It looks like you created the folder by mistake. Look at its date: 11/4/20.
Show us your blocks, cause I think you set the dir path in a bad manner. Some blocks adds automatically /storage/emulated/0/ to path. So you just created a path in the external storage.
The naming of storage is misleading. What you are looking at your screen is really external storage. But xiaomi app names it as internal (interal but shared).
Try to use TaifunFile extension. There’s also a move option, but you can set the absolute path to folders with “file:///” snippet.
U try to move a file from external storage to internal? What’s the purpose? What informations are included in VideoPicker selection block? Is it a name of file?
The File component is the only component that can access the Private dir (→ internal storage):
You are talking about the → external storage:
(Whatever reason you created this folder.)
There is also no extension that can access the Private dir (internal storage).
Also not the EFile extension.
To see this dir on your device you need to root it.
@bodymindpower since you’re typing a response, will directories created from the application be deleted when the app is too? For example if I create a directory in the download directory, will that be deleted?
are you sure? (well usually you are… ) so just to confirm…
the EFile extension is a copy of the App Inventor file component without asking for permission, therefore that extension also should be able to read/write files from/to the private application directory…