Can any one help me why this is happening?

i am able to delete 3 card view but while deleting the 4th card view the error occurs

this is the new view

this time it gave rerror when only one was left

Just tried on one of mine projects, if I remove in order from last to first then no error but if I do randomly then I get a error

so do you have any solution? can you please help?

This is how I did it with mine, I had to duplicate the list, where and when you need to do that is by doing some test


Replace with this one



Replace with this one



Add this one below DeleteCardView


not working…

For me it’s working just fine

i have sent you a personal message please check

It wont work as you didn’t add anything that I told you to do and that you did add is wrong

i did i am sending that aia file to you personal message

Thanks it really worked…

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