Can i read text from file directly from url without downloading

can i read text from file directly from url without downloading of this file on my cellphone ?

you can use the web component and receive the text in the Web.GotText event

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Use web viewer

  • visible = false
  • url = your url

then ,

execute js code

document.getElementbyID("ID Here").innerHTML;

then set it to a label or anything that you like using after js executed block

Here is a simple method. which @Taifun already said.



thank all of you, its working well. its very kind all of you. i have one more quesion. how can i bring string from text. i mean string whose started from some symbols what i know and ended another knowled to me symbols. i want to take and copy only string from page.
and after that i want to find in this page another knowled string with same start and stop parameters and copy it too
i have no idea yet how can i do it

help please

What you have marked as solution is originally given by taifun already…

sorry about

Give your url. And string

yes, shure
its just for example
for example i want to take this clear string from file or sequence

#EXTINF:-1 ,Travel Guid-TV
#EXTINF:-1 ,Ocean TV
#EXTINF:-1 ,Travel Guide TV

m3u.txt (363 Bytes)

Wait. I will give you block images after lunch :pizza:


ABC.txt (415 Bytes)