Can I use SQLite Studio to test?

Hi all,

Is that true, that I can use SQLite Studio to create and test an table before I use it on Kodular?

All the commands can be used? Or there are some limitations?


Are you trying to tell if you can create and then use the same tables in Kodular? Import ?

Nope, if I use SQLite Studio to organize (means create) my tables, can I just copy and past into Kodular and it will run okay??

Drag and copy what? Your files created in Sqllite Studio? I know that there is an extension that imports these files - Taifun. I don’t use it. I created the tables with Kodular blocks. Inserted and made Select.

you will have to import the database
as @Rogerio_Rios already mentioned, my sqlite extension ofers an Import method for this, see here App Inventor Extensions: SQlite | Pura Vida Apps


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