Can't build aab

Without clicking View log and checking the log this is only a guess… there might be other problems, too…


I compiled it outside of Kodular with APK and it worked.

Every user trying to compile aab at least 200 times could mean an attack on the system. However, as someone who has paid 30 days of premium today, I have the right to ask, why does a user have to try to compile 200 times? However, this will be an additional load on the server, but if the server was working properly, no one would make consecutive requests anyway. People’s right, especially those who pay and those who do not, is to reap the fruits of their labor. Why do you disagree with this and use user behavior as the reason? Are there any problems? In fact, there are many problems and this compilation problem is one of them. If the codes were a completely free platform and we received a statement saying that we are doing our best to fix it, we would tolerate it and understand it, but we cannot sell premium packages and provide service, compile an apk and put it on the phone. Instead of being told to download it and convert it to AAB by signing it, we should start looking for a solution as soon as possible, even apologizing for being late.


We all know that Kodular died completely, they threw out the last update and disappeared, @Diego & @pavi2410 since then they have not re-entered the platform.

We also know that the work and effort of the users does not matter to them, it was evident when launching premium, extorting and kidnapping projects by not being able to compile.
Start migrating your projects.


Here, i paid for this!

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/..
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/..
________Creating xml in res/drawable/..
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/..
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file successfully added.
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT2 compile time: 0.524 seconds
AAPT2 link time: 0.863 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/shotdesignbr/Orsy/BuyerShop.yail to io.kodular.shotdesignbr.Orsy.BuyerShop)
(compiling io/kodular/shotdesignbr/Orsy/Login.yail to io.kodular.shotdesignbr.Orsy.Login)
(compiling io/kodular/shotdesignbr/Orsy/SellShopping.yail to io.kodular.shotdesignbr.Orsy.SellShopping)
(compiling io/kodular/shotdesignbr/Orsy/Screen1.yail to io.kodular.shotdesignbr.Orsy.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime6331514555022461023.scm to
Kawa compile time: 37.396 seconds
________Invoking DX
DX time: 81.187 seconds
___________Creating structure
___________Extracting protobuf resources
________Running bundletool

I paid and I have to compile it outside of Kodular.
Is this acceptable to you?

AAB fix will be landing soon!


I agree with all the points you raised.

We’re understaffed and are taking steps to hire people to maintain Kodular.

Buildservers go down due to high load. This is because we don’t have enough capital to scale resources.

I agree that there is a huge demand for Kodular, and with that the prices may go up in order for us to sustain with our recurring costs.

Also, Kodular isn’t dying anytime soon. I’m still ambitious and passionate about Kodular. It’s just that we are limited in resources in the view of increased demand. We’re open to ideas.


Hello @pavi2410 it would be appropriate to set a topic with this statement, the community is really worried, angry and discouraged due to the absence and lack of responses.

As an active user, I continue to support Kodular since it is a very valuable resource, but in my opinion, before thinking about increasing membership, they should take the issue more seriously, recover the lost trust and make the pertinent corrections.


Is there an estimated date for the correction of the AAB creator’s error?

I hope it’s up by this weekend


Hey, Can you remove location permission getting added into manifest file if we use ad manager?
I’m not sure why are we using it, can you explain purpose of it ?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Today is on Monday and the AAB and APK creator follows down. This situation is repeated from 15th October. It is unbearable.


We deserve a free year for this whole situation.


The truth is that until now I only thought that we should be tolerant of the service, but I think the idea of ​​asking for some compensation for all of us who are premium users is a good idea.
At the end of the day we are paying for a service, it is not a favor.



Ich habe ein Problem mit der Erstellung meiner APP als AAB. Ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung und weiß nicht wie ich sie weg bekomme.

Makeroid kann dieses Projekt nicht kompilieren.
Der Fehler Grund war
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT2 compile time: 0.609 seconds
AAPT2 link time: 0.825 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/Startseite.yail to io.kodular.blinde_hasen.Rucksackabenteuer_1.Startseite)
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/Impressum.yail to io.kodular.blinde_hasen.Rucksackabenteuer_1.Impressum)
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/Ueber_uns.yail to io.kodular.blinde_hasen.Rucksackabenteuer_1.Ueber_uns)
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/Kontakt.yail to io.kodular.blinde_hasen.Rucksackabenteuer_1.Kontakt)
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/shop.yail to
(compiling io/kodular/blinde_hasen/Rucksackabenteuer_1/Screen1.yail to io.kodular.blinde_hasen.Rucksackabenteuer_1.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime4334365654724647796.scm to
Kawa compile time: 37.669 seconds
________Invoking DX
DX time: 145.401 seconds
___________Creating structure
___________Extracting protobuf resources
________Running bundletool

Will be fixed in an update this week

1 Like

Ah ok. das heißt das es garnicht an meiner APP liegt ?

Hello,After lots of searching in old discussion i am posting this as i have not been getting the solution.

MY APP GETTING ERROR WHEN IT EXPORTING AS AAB AT 85%. I will enter the error below. I make done some of same error developers solution but not yet succes.What can i do please support. I the similar discussion solution i tried but not work at my project.

The error is :-

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/..
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/..
________Creating xml in res/drawable/..
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/..
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file successfully added.
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT2 compile time: 1.396 seconds
AAPT2 link time: 1.914 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Create_new_account.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Create_new_account)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/urgent_datas.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.urgent_datas)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/OT_Form.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.OT_Form)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/GARAGE_REQUEST.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.GARAGE_REQUEST)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Main_dashboard.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Main_dashboard)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Restaurent_complains.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Restaurent_complains)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Order_Return.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Order_Return)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/LOGIN_NEW_CREATE.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.LOGIN_NEW_CREATE)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Traffic_fine.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Traffic_fine)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Screen1.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Screen1)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Complains.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Complains)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/Check_Garage.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.Check_Garage)
(compiling io/kodular/Barqiyaweb/SALIK_RIDER/ENTER_SERVICE_DATA.yail to io.kodular.Barqiyaweb.SALIK_RIDER.ENTER_SERVICE_DATA)
(compiling /tmp/runtime8863391285068513249.scm to
Kawa compile time: 83.409 seconds
________Invoking DX
DX time: 388.363 seconds
___________Creating structure
___________Extracting protobuf resources
________Running bundletooltype or paste code here

Will be fixed in an update this week

God bless, I can’t stand converting apk to abb anymore