Color Maker in RGB

I did not find anything similar here in the community, porting, I decided to make this little tultorial :slight_smile:.

First, you should create a layout with three sliders and something to serve as preview (I’ll use an Arrangement) and organize them like this:

(Define in the sliders: “Maximum value” for 255 “Minimum value” for 0 and “Indicator position” for 0 also, for the component that will be the preview, set the color to black)

In blocks, do the following:

E o resultado e esse:

This is a simple prototype so it’s not so pretty.
I hope I have helped :slight_smile:.

AIA: Color_Maker.aia (2,7 KB)


Very, very interesting … thanks! :wink::+1:

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Thanks for sharing this .aia file
Great tutorial

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