Counting days - trial app

Hi, can someone tell me how I can make a countdown day. I want to make a trial version of the application for 30 days. Below is to inform you that the trial version is over. How to do it?

As storage components’ data being cleared when deleting app data, it is not recommened to use them. The app has to store data like device ID in online storage like FireBase, Airtable, Tiny WebDB. On screen initialize look at the values and compare duration.

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But I do not know how I could count these days. Can you show me the example blocks?

Count them comparing the start date when user registered with the current date.

The date can be modified by internal settings of smartphone

Yeah, I know. Howewer online time can not be modified.

This new extension can be helpful

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Thanks for all the ideas! :bulb:

Get the device id, then store it into an online database. When the user fisrt runs the app, check of there’s already that id in the device. If yes, continue the timer, if not, start again from 30 days.