Custom Floating Button Extension

So you just have to google for “fontawesome-webfont.ttf” , download it and put it to your
/mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/ folder. This isn’t too hard to do isn’t it?

means every user of our app has to do that? really?

Hey @ImranTariq i didn’t recognize this error, may be its due to the fontawesome-webfont.ttf file already there in my assets folder. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha yes, because i am not using any other platform for making apps, so my device dont have any such folder, it only has makeroid folder, (every user of app dont have that folder so there must be some solution like saving that file in to user device or use it from assets,

Let me look into it! :grin:

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Oh good .
working …

Hey @elmanhossendev can you tell us how you make it working?

I have try it as a demo extension.
So so I cannot tell you anything about it’s use.
If I use it in my any project I will inform you and tell you how I use it it for development

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The problem is occurring because Kodular stores assets in a different path for companion that is


@help_cttricks include this. to avoid the error.

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Aah… thanks @Souvik_Bera :wink:


Nice extension but you should add some more feature like butto with text etc


another great work @help_cttricks keep going. Congratulations

@help_cttricks you also might want to consider, that this path only exists for the companion app on your development device, so anyone, who is only installing an apk file does not have that path…


Hello @Taifun & @Souvik_Bera
these are the paths, now can you help me? Where shoud i change, to avoide the error.

if (this.development) {
    String pathArchivos = "/mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/fontawesome-webfont.ttf";
} else {
    String pathArchivos2 = "/android_asset/fontawesome-webfont.ttf";

see the file component from the App Inventor sources about how it is done there
for further questions about working with the App Inventor sources, please use the Open Source community

but every app user must have that folder in his device? only companion users have that folder,

If you use companion then the folder will be created automatically by the companion for storing assets.

For apk it doesn’t need any folder as it doesn’t store any of its assets in any folder. The assets are compiled directly into the apk.

i knew that, i wana make sure that is it call from assets after compiled apk? or same goes to call from assets folder,

Hi @help_cttricks, were you able to fix the error? I would appreciate it :grinning:.


esta extensión no funciona con app inventor? se ve el botón, pero no los iconos